Customer-led innovation & product strategy

Power your
product innovation

By harnessing the power of AI and leveraging the robust Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) framework, we tap into the root of what your customers truly need, helping you build propositions that resonate and drive growth.

Deep customer insights

Discover what customers truly need with our advanced approach that combines Jobs to Be Done theory and bespoke processes, identifying market gaps for compelling product opportunities.

Confident product development

Rely on our predictive, data-driven methodology to validate new product concepts, ensuring they address key customer needs and are endorsed by your target market.

Accelerated innovation

Stay ahead with our AI-powered process that speeds up ideation and validation, delivering customer-validated concepts in just weeks, freeing you to focus on other critical business areas.

Enhanced collaboration

Our method promotes cross-functional teamwork, handling the initial ideation to enable more meaningful team contributions, resulting in a product that reflects your organization's collective creativity and expertise.

Discover customer-led AI innovation

Untold's approach to product innovation is a step ahead. Our AI-driven process is like having a turbocharged brain, intuitively understanding your target audience's needs, pinpointing underserved market segments, and generating a wealth of product concept ideas rapidly. We transform customer insights into tangible, market-ready propositions that strike a chord with customers and accelerate your growth.
Our approach ensures that you're not just getting a service, but a strategic partnership that's designed to drive your marketing success now and in the future. 

Here's a snapshot of our typical engagement flow with marketing teams:

AI powered innovation sprints

A time-constrained, structured process for rapid AI-powered proposition development that gets your product and marketing teams so much further, so much faster.
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Identify real customer needs using Jobs to Be Done

Traditional product development methods can miss the mark because they rely on what customers say they want rather than uncovering what they actually need. Untold's JTBD framework delves into the underlying functional, emotional, and social needs influencing customers' decisions. We look beyond the surface to unlock a deeper understanding of your audience, so you can develop products that customers will love.
Read more about Jobs to Be Done
Functional Jobs Icon


What problem this will help them solve in their life.


How they will be perceived.


What solving this problem will help them feel.

Spot competitive gaps

Through a competitive audit, we identify the underserved Jobs to Be Done that matter to your audiences but are missed by competitors today. These reflect new messaging and targeting opportunities that support your headline offering and help you stand out. By feeding our model with your value proposition, target segment data and competitive data, we help you tap into unexplored opportunities for growth.

Supercharge your ideation 

Untold's AI speeds up your innovation process. Our model rapidly generates new product concepts based on insights into your customers' needs. This means your team can shift from painstaking brainstorming sessions to strategic evaluation of customer-validated propositions, accelerating your innovation cycle and bringing products to market faster.

Case studies

Our approach ensures that you're not just getting a service, but a strategic partnership that's designed to drive your marketing success now and in the future. 

Here's a snapshot of our typical engagement flow with marketing teams:

Reimagining the user experiences that power business aviation

Learn how Untold brought to life an exciting and inspiring Product Vision for the business aviation sector which resulted in acclaim across senior stakeholders, customers and investors leading to a subsequent $200m acquisition deal for the firm.
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“Our partnership with Untold has delivered transformative results in helping to redefine our future product portfolio. The Untold team bring an exceptionally high-level of research, product and design thinking skills to our partnership. They effectively went beyond traditional methods to spark innovation, significantly elevating our understanding of our customers’ needs in the process.”
Chief Product Officer of Business Aviation Tech

Refining a HealthTech growth strategy

Untold's ability to harness deep audience insights, can help innovative businesses to redefine their growth strategies and thrive in complex markets.
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"The Jobs to Be Done approach brought a great deal of clarity and we’re still using and sharing these audience insights within the business a year later."
Product Marketing Manager, HealthTech

Supporting the launch and positioning of a new UK digital bank

See how Untold’s innovative research techniques guided a sustainable digital bank's go-to-market strategy, targeting the right market with the right products for climate-conscious millennials.
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"The team is brilliant at getting to the core of what consumers really want. They guided us to avoid the pitfalls of traditional research techniques and ensured we had the right support to do something new and different."
Co Founder of a Digital Bank

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How do you source and analyze data for your strategies?

We collaborate with a diverse network of panel partners and recruitment specialists to recruit consumers, B2B prospects, and even those considered hard to reach. Moreover, if you have existing customer lists, we are well-equipped to engage with them directly to extract valuable insights.

How do you define "deep insights," and how do they differ from regular insights?

Our experience spanning over a decade in customer and behavioral insights has sharpened our ability to discern between surface responses and genuine customer sentiment. While many rely on superficial survey answers, we prioritize qualitative interviews. Our approach is more akin to a deep, conversational dive than a standard question and answer format. This allows us to capture the true sentiments and motivations behind customer responses.

Can you share more details about your "customer-led competitor analysis"? How does it differ from a traditional competitor analysis?

Our unique approach emphasizes the customer's perspective at the heart of competitor analysis. Instead of merely mirroring what competitors do, we delve into the reasons behind their success. We achieve this by comprehending how they cater to the core needs and desires of their customers, as framed by the "jobs to be done" methodology. By adopting this lens, we can identify potential gaps in the market—areas where competitors might be missing the mark. This insight paves the way for addressing unmet customer needs.

In which industries or sectors have you seen the most success?

While our method is specifically tailored for companies delivering digital products, our expertise spans a broad array of sectors within that realm. If you're keen to understand our experience in a particular sector, please get in touch, and we'd be glad to provide more tailored insights.

Want to find out more? Reach out today.

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